Dr Klaus Oblin, LLM

Senior Counsel

Klaus Oblin has been successfully representing prominent businesses and state-entities for many years.

He stands out in cross-border proceedings where politically sensitive issues meet commercial matters and has been consistently engaged as lead counsel and arbitrator in a number of high volume arbitrations under various internationally acknowledged rules.

Drawing from both civil and common law practical experience, he is known for his ability to concurrently lead teams from multiple jurisdictions.

Klaus is serving as management board and steering committee member in various international associations of independent law firms: Chair EMEA Primerus, Steering Committee Int´l Arbitration IR Global; Steering Committee Dispute Resolution BOKS; Vice Chair Euro-American Lawyers Group; Arbitration and Litigation Committees IBA.

He is listed as an attorney of confidence for the U.S. and U.K. Embassies, and ranked twice in Leaders League (Int´l Arbitration and Commercial Litigation).


Legal studies at the University of Vienna (Mag.iur., Dr.iur. “with high honours”) and post graduate legal studies at the University of San Diego (LL.M. Comparative Law)


  • Austrian Bar Association Vienna
  • International Bar Association (“IBA”)
  • International Chamber of Commerce („ICC“)
  • Austro-Arab Chamber of Commerce („AACC“)
  • Austrian Arbitration Association (“Arb|Aut”)
  • Deutsche Institution für Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit (“DIS”)
  • International Centre for Dispute Resolution (“ICDR”)
  • European Centre of Tort and Insurance Law (“ECTIL”)
  • American Chamber of Commerce in Austria (“AmCham Austria”)


German, English, French

Klaus Oblin talks to IR Global during #IRBARCELONA22